Restorative & Operative
(662 items)-
Mirror Handle Round Cone SocketMirror Heads #4 Front Surface Cone Socket (12)Belvedere Regular Composite Contact FormerBelvedere Small Composite Contact FormerBlack Line Cone Socket Mirror Handle 6-handleBrinker Clamp B1 Tissue Retractor Lower Molar (Hygenic)Brinker Clamp B2 Tissue Retractor Upper Left Molars (Hygenic)Brinker Clamp B3 Tissue Retractor Upper Right Molar (Hygenic)Brinker Clamp B4 Tissue Retractor Anterior Bicuspids (Hygenic)Burnisher #18 Ball XTS DEBurnisher XTS 2 Ladmore Composite Condensing InstrumentBurnisher XTS 21BBurnisher XTS 27/29 D/EBurnisher XTS 3 Ladmore Composite Condensing InstrumentBurnisher XTS Small/Medium 6S-HandleCalcium Hydroxide Placement InstrumentCarver Hollenback 1/23Carver IPC Off-AngleCarver IPC-T Thin TNTCarver T3Carver XTS InterproximalCCII Composite Packing InstrumentCheek Retractor Orringer 2 MediumChisel 36/37 Back Action DE 9-Handle
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