Sinclair Dental has an exceptional group of talented individuals who guided me through the process of designing, building, and equipping a new oral surgery office. Their involvement and helpfulness throughout the project far exceeded my expectations. I am not sure how I could have done it without their knowledge and expertise. I couldn’t be happier with the results. Thank you to the Sinclair Dental team.
Dr. Darcy MacLellan
MacLellan Oral Surgery & Dental Implants
1. Entrance
2. Reception
3. Waiting Room
4. Washroom
5. Consultation Room
6. Digital Imaging
7-9. Operatories
10. Sterilization
11-13. Storage
14. Office
15. Staff Room
16. Washroom
17. Office
18. Laundry
19. Utility Room

Like what you see above? Sinclair Dental's design team is here to help.
Call 1-800-663-7393 and ask for the Design department.
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