(24 items)-
Composite Carver C/D Tungsten CarbideKnife 1 TunnellingKnife 2 Tunnelling 6-HandleKnife Allen 6-Handle End-cutting IntrasulculaKnife Allen Black Line End-cutting IntrasulcularKnife Allen Orban 1/2 6-HandleKnife Esth Carving 21 6-HandleKnife Esthetic Carving 20Knife Esthetic Carving 21Knife GF-11 Goldman-Fox DEKnife Kirkland 15/16 6-HandleKnife Modified Allen Orban 1/2 RoundKnife Orban #1/2 Black Line DEKnife Orban 1/2 9-HandleKnife Orban 1/2 DE 6-HandleKnife Orban 1/2 DE Modified Allen 9-HandleKnife Tunneling 1 Black LineKnife Tunneling 2 Black LineKnife USC DE (T19/T20) #6 Satin Steel HandleKnife 14L Gold FoilKnife 2S Gold FoilKnife Gold Foil #29Knife Gold Foil #34Knife Gold Foil #7 Long Handle
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